2012年9月16日 星期日

Re: [問卦] 有沒有中國仇日情結的八卦?

作者 ss59418ss (新者) 看板 Gossiping
標題 Re: [問卦] 有沒有中國仇日情結的八卦?
時間 Sun Sep 16 03:33:04 2012

※ 引述《kkman321 (風與葉擦身而過)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Richard989 (Richard)》之銘言:
: : 之前有人提到為什麼台灣人老一輩的愛日本勝過愛中華民國
: : 因為日本在台統治期間 清廉 守秩序
: : 我笑了
: : 差點沒把我笑死
: : 日本統治台灣的話 台灣人能當到台灣總督這個位置嗎?
: : 但是偉大的外省人統治台灣期間 卻讓李登輝當了總統
: : 但後來出了個陳水扁這個貪汙犯又是另外一個故事了
: : 主要還是部分的台灣人對自己的族群太過包容與縱容,以及不知反省
: : 陳水扁才敢肆無忌憚地狂貪 被關了還不認帳 一天到晚想出來
: : 醒醒吧

這是一篇刊載於1946年6月10日 TIME magazine的文章
標題叫做" This Is the Shame"(這真是可恥!)

"This Is the Shame"Monday, Jun. 10, 1946

At last, eight months after V-J day, sugar-starved China was getting supplies
from its new sugarbowl, Formosa. Ships were plying the 400 miles from Kiirun
to Shanghai with the first of 150,000 tons of Japanese stores confiscated by
the Chinese Army that took over the island, under U.S. tutelage, last fall.
But the resumption of trade with tropically lush, industrially rich Formosa
was a sweet-&-sour business.

Formosans complained that the Chinese occupation army was looting stocks,
letting crops, refineries, railroads and power plants go to rack & ruin. Just
as angry Shanghailanders, who could buy only from the government-backed
Formosa Sugar Co., feared that a colossal sugar corner was being rigged in
the already disastrous black market.

Of the Moon & Sun. The Japanese, who seized Formosa after their first war on
China 50 years ago, ruthlessly exploited its land and people. Formosa made
Japan the world's fourth sugar-producer; it yielded enough rice to feed all
the Mikado's armies as well as coal and tin, gold, silver and copper; teak
and camphor (70% of U.S. mothballs) and aromatic Oolong tea. At
mountain-ringed Jitsu-Getsu-Tan—Lake of the Moon and Sun—the Japanese built
the nucleus of a power system that put Formosa industrially ahead of the

The Taiwan (after the island's Asiatic name) Development Co. rigidly
controlled industry and trade, brought half a million Japanese to live among
six million Formosans (chiefly Chinese who have pushed the Malayan
headhunters into the mountains).

World War II brought B-29 raids to Formosa, and liberation brought the
scarcely more welcome visitation of Chinese bureaucracy. (Formosans use the
adjective "Chinese" as a synonym for inefficiency and confusion.)

The new Chinese Governor Chen Yi found the raid-battered Formosans docile. He
promptly put his nephew in charge of the Taiwan Co., which bought coal at 200
yen a ton and sold it at 4,000. Black-market gold sold at 300,000 Chinese
dollars an ounce, against $180,000 in Shanghai. Even in fertile Formosa, mass
starvation threatened.

Japan Got the Atom. Chen Yi rounded up scores of "collaborators" while his
pooh-bahs made themselves snug. Last week "Down with the Governor!" posters
appeared all over the island. In two towns, hungry natives burned sugar
godowns. Formosans greeted the few visiting Americans with: "You were kind to
the Japanese, you dropped the atom on them. You dropped the Chinese on us!"
Thoughtful Chinese on the mainland began to agree with the Formosans. Said Ta
Rung Pao, China's counterpart of the New York Times: "Fundamentally speaking,
China was not qualified to take over . . . she lacks the men . . . technique
. . . commodities . . . capital. She governs, but is inefficient. She takes,
but she does not give. This is the government's shame."

Most foreign observers in Formosa agreed that if a referendum were taken
today Formosans would vote for U.S. rule. Second choice—Japan.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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